Prepare and Prosecute Student Loan Adversaries
Learn why leading firms are implementing student loan management service offerings.
Adapting to the New Normal
Explore how firms increase client conversion and total fees collected.
Beating the Collection Odds
Learn client consultation strategies to increase the likelihood of payment.
Consumer Bankruptcy Reform Act Overview
Learn about the proposed shift to a uniform Ch10 to replace Ch7 & Ch13.
Strategic Planning for Bankruptcy Attorneys
Evaluate priorities, set actionable goals and create a plan for success in 2021.
Introduction to Firm Marketing
Learn how law firms can market their services and generate inquiries.
Mortgage Modification as a Legal Service
Explore mortgage modification as a service offering and viable revenue opportunity.
Consumer Bankruptcy 101
A comprehensive program for those looking to expand their practice.
Accountability and Success
Discover ways to increase transparency and effectiveness in your organization.
How to Create a Law Firm Business Plan
Learn step-by-step how to develop a business plan.