OnDemand Webinar

Integrated Solutions and Services Webinar

Recorded January 17, 2023

Integrated Solutions and Services
Please join us for a tour of ancillary products and services available through the Best Case by Stretto desktop platform to streamline your case management and petition preparation workflows.

  • MyCaseInfo – Execute the client-intake process via an online questionnaire, eliminating the need for an in-office meeting.
  • Credit Reports – Gain an in-depth view of a debtor’s financial history in one consolidated report and import data directly into forms and schedules, saving an average of 60 minutes of data entry per case.
  • Bankruptcy Courses – Simplify bankruptcy-course management and help clients complete court requirements.
  • Court Notices & Calendar – Simplify the CM/ECF process by automatically downloading PACER free looks, auto-populating and syncing bankruptcy events to personal calendars, and easily tracking Proofs of Claim.
  • Legal Noticing – Leverage Stretto’s on-demand, print-mail options to decrease operational costs and increase productivity.
  • Stretto Default Solutions – Utilize the Stretto DMM Portal to facilitate mortgage loan modification, student loan adversaries, and student loan management.