Help Clients Manage Their Debt While Increasing Firm Revenues
Consumer Loan Management
Student Loan Management
Utilizing Stretto’s online solution, law firms help borrowers determine if they qualify for one of nine federal student loan programs by preparing the formal application and filing it directly with the loan servicers.
Mortgage Loan Modification
Stretto’s online tool enables Attorneys to streamline mortgage-modification application preparation, package submission, and status tracking.
How It
How It
Case Preparation and Filing
Best Case by Stretto offers hundreds of time-saving features to seamlessly prepare and file cases.
Business Support
Stretto offers ancillary services to help Attorneys save time and money while streamlining their practice operations.
Court Compliance
Stretto Due Diligence Solutions provide the most comprehensive financial data for consumer debtors.
Crosby & Fox LLC
Hipple Law
Richard West Law Office
Sheppard Legal Services
Nelson Law Office
Valenzuela Law Firm
Our bankruptcy veterans offer expert thoughts on market dynamics, emerging trends, and legislation that impact Attorneys.